The Cross and Crown Kingdom
How does Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection culminate into the “Good News,” known as the gospel? And how does the promised “Kingdom of God” that Jesus taught so much about interact and intersect with that gospel? What if I told you that The Good News IS The Kingdom of God and that this Kingdom is an “upside-down” one?
If you have ever wondered what in the world we are talking about when we reference “The Upside-Down Kingdom of God,” watch this video short video from BibleProject to discover how the cross and crown collide to create a very upside-down kingdom indeed.

Gospel of the Kingdom
What is the good news of the Gospel? Jesus’ arrival on Earth was a royal announcement. He was there to establish God’s Kingdom and change everything.

If you are not familiar with BibleProject, we highly recommend you check them out. They are committed to understanding the Bible in its historical context and communicating its wisdom to the modern world. Their videos offer everything from deep character dives to book-by-book summaries and even topical themes. They are a great way to visualize and contextualize Scripture.
I’d love to hear from you on this. How does this video help you shift your understanding of the Kingdom of God?