The Christian’s Call to Humility

A Holy Shift Video Conversation

In my recent article, Happy are the Humble, I explored Jesus’ rather paradoxical teaching on the relationship between happiness and humility. Digging deeper into the implications of his teaching on humility helped me see why it was so shocking in his day. I also began to understand just how truly counter-cultural it is to our current climate. What I learned really shifted my understanding of humility and how Jesus is calling us to live it out, so I wanted to geek out more about it here with our Holy Shift community. I asked my friend, Carrie Kittinger, to join me in doing so.

Carrie is a good friend, a gifted writer, and an excellent Bible teacher. She also exemplifies the type of humility I believe Jesus is calling us to. In this video, we discuss what humility is (and isn’t) and explore Jesus’ call for Christians to walk in both vertical and horizontal humility.

You can also link to the video here.

I hope this video helps you explore the necessity of humility for the life of faith and shift your perspective on Jesus’ teaching on the subject. For more thoughts on humility, read Happy are the Humble, and keep an eye on our Instagram page, where we will also be giving away a couple of helpful resources soon.

We would also love to hear your thoughts! How are some ways we can pursue and practice HOLY SHIFT humility? Comment here or look for the upside-down-girl-graphic on Instagram.

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