Holy Heat Wave


Happy beats + holy jams = the perfect playlist for your sunny-season fun.

Here’s a light-hearted, energetically-paced collection that we hope serves as a lively soundtrack for your road trips, pool time and other sunny-season fun.

*Some of this music may be new to you and a major departure from your usual vibe. Just remember that discovering new art can be fun, and it can also help us notice new things about ourselves and God. Our hope is that this will be a musical adventure of sorts, as well as a source of encouragement. (And if you just don’t dig it, don’t worry–we will be featuring music from a myriad of genres throughout the year.)

LISTEN HERE and let us know whatcha think! Feel free to share it with a friend, too.

A THOUGHT TO GO WITH YOUR TUNES: Whether it is our Twitter feeds or newsfeeds… our favorite podcasts or pop culture, the input we allow affects the outlook we adopt. We can’t help it: WE LOOK LIKE WHAT WE LOOK TO.

We all know how easy it is to caught in a whirlpool of negativity. And often, we can get so accustomed to the negative noise that we don’t even notice it anymore. Perhaps that is why Paul directed the Philippian church to “…Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise” (Philippians 4:8). God is the only being that fits all that criteria, and therefore, the perfect place to fix our thoughts.

As you think about the various inputs into your life, what HOLY SHIFT can you make to help replace the negative noise with positive praise?

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