Grocery List Heretic

Poem by Rachel Joy Welcher


What would an honest poem
about marriage look like?
It would include your socks,
of course, scattered on the floor,
fuelling stereotypes and memes
about men and marriage, but it
would also include the grocery lists
I text you, that you follow religiously,
and add to, heretically,
surprising me with my favorite things,
like yellow flowers and fancy cheese,
dark chocolate, and most recently,
a Christmas tree. You never make me
feel like a burden that is too heavy to lift.

Rachel Joy Welcher, Sometimes Women Lie About Being Okay


is a poet and author living in South Dakota with her husband, Pastor Evan Welcher, and their longed-for daughter, Hildegaard. Rachel works as an editor at Fathom Magazine and Lexham Press and received her Master of Letters in theology from The University of St. Andrews in Scotland. She is the author of four books: “Blue Tarp” (Finishing Line Press, 2016), “Two Funerals, Then Easter” (Dustlings Press, 2018), “Talking Back to Purity Culture: Rediscovering Faithful Christian Sexuality” (InterVarsity Press, 2020), and “Sometimes Women Lie About Being Okay” (Dustlings Press, 2022).

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