The Ministry of Laughter

A Holy Shift Video Conversation

Since its launch this summer, The Holy Shift has explored heady concepts such as holiness and humility. And while we primarily want to be a safe place for folks to tangle with tough theology, we also believe in the ministry of laughter.

Bottom line: Humor is holy, too, and we can all use an extra heap of happy right now. So we asked one of our funniest friends, Jen Harp from Big Girl on a Mission, to join us in a little lighthearted Holy Shift conversation.

In this video, we explore tough questions such as:

  • Why some Christians take themselves too darn seriously
  • Why gray hair is so darn aggressive
  • Why living in your car is not at all like urban camping
  • Why side parts are still what the cool kids do
  • How to accidentally move into a “Tiny Trailer Town” for active adults

We also briefly touch on actually helpful stuff like:

  • How not to be a hypocritical, judgmental, Bible-thumping, legalistic zealot
  • How to speak the truth in love, no matter your personality type and enneagram number
  • How to deal with difficult people and awkward conversations this holiday season
  • Why we should lower our expectations of people in general
  • Why striving sets us up for failure
  • How to “Bloom where you’re planted”
  • How to have a mid-life crisis adventure
  • How to build community, anywhere and with anyone

So if you are in need of a little laughter with some truth and goodness mixed in, this one’s for you!

You can also link to the video here.

We would also love to hear your thoughts! How have laughter and humor ministered to you?

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